Youssef Diab, Mohammed Zaatari

Military Court

Viewed : 953

Military Tribunal hands Assir death sentence

Radical Islamist Sheikh Ahmad al-Assir was sentenced to death Thursday by the Military Tribunal for his role in leading the deadly 2013 Abra clashes against the Lebanese Army. The firebrand preacher was on trial alongside 33 other men on terrorism charges at the tribunal headed by Brig. Gen. Hussein Abdullah. The prosecution argued that Assir had rallied his followers to attack the Lebanese Army in 2013 leading to dayslong fighting that left 18 soldiers and 40 loyalists of the sheikh dead. The court convicted Assir, who did not attend the sentencing, of possession of weapons and pre-meditated murder of soldiers.…

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Military Court

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Court to forge ahead despite Assir’s refusal to cooperate

The trial of radical Islamic Sheikh Ahmad al-Assir will press on at the next session scheduled for May 16, after a court hearing Tuesday was postponed due to the lead defendant refusing to address the court. A judicial source told The Daily Star Tuesday that despite Assir refusing to address the court and both his lawyers and those representing many of the 71 other co-defendants boycotting the session, authorities will press ahead with the prosecution’s case regardless of Assir’s level of cooperation. Tuesday’s session began with seven military lawyers being appointed to represent those without legal representation in attendance. During…

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Military Court

Viewed : 590

Court to forge ahead despite Assir’s refusal to cooperate

فعلها رئيس المحكمة العسكرية الدائمة العميد الركن حسين عبدالله، ومضى أمس في محاكمة الشيخ أحمد الأسير ومَن معه من الموقوفين في ملف «أحداث عبرا»، منهياً بذلك مرحلة مهمة من المحاكمة، مرحلة الاستجوابات التي تعثرت منذ توقيف الأسير في 15 آب من العام 2015 الذي أعقبه تعطيل للجلسات بفعل استنكاف وكلائه عن الحضور لعدم البت بإخبارات تقدموا بها حول «مَن أطلق الرصاصة الأولى في تلك الأحداث»، محّدداً السادس عشر من أيار المقبل جلسة للمرافعات والنطق بالحكم في حادثة «حصلت على مستوى الوطن»، وفق تعبيره. كل شيء في قاعة المحكمة العسكرية الدائمة أمس كان يدّل على أن المحكمة مصممّة على إنفاذ قرارها…

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Military Court

Viewed : 785

You Stink protesters appear in military court

Fourteen civilians and one soldier appeared before Beirut’s Military Tribunal Monday morning on charges connected to You Stink movement protests against the government’s handling of the 2015-16 trash crisis. The defendants have been charged with forming armed gangs, vandalizing public property and assaulting security forces. Thirteen were present in court Monday, with two standing trial in absentia. If found guilty, each could face up to three years in prison, and court documents shown to The Daily Star warn of a hefty fine of LL39,610,000 ($26,300) for three of the defendants. Brig. Gen. Hussein Abdallah presided over the day’s hearings and…

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Patricia Khoder

Military Court

Viewed : 511

HRW : Le Liban devrait mettre fin aux procès militaires pour les civils

Le Liban a jugé des centaines de civils, dont des mineurs, devant des tribunaux militaires en 2016, a affirmé, hier, Human Rights Watch (HRW), exhortant les autorités à mettre fin à cette pratique qui ne garantit pas un procès équitable. L'ONG a fait état dans le même temps de tortures pratiquées lors des interrogatoires sur des mineurs. L'organisation a tenu, hier, une conférence à l'hôtel Riviera afin de présenter un rapport intitulé « Ce n'est pas la place adéquate pour nous », pour dénoncer les procès des civils par le tribunal militaire. Malgré l'invitation qui leur avait été adressée, le…

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Military Court

Viewed : 765

معراب تتبنّى «العدالة»... جعجع: للتمييز بين المحكمة والجيش

تبدو معراب بجهوزية تامّة في شهر نيسان، إذ تزدحم أجندتها بسلسلة من اللقاءات والمؤتمرات والمحطات، أبرزها «أزمة العدالة» التي نكبَت أحكامُها لبنانيّي الوطن، وقد عايشَت «القوات اللبنانية» تحديداً فصولَها الصعبة منذ بداية التسعينات، فيما لا يزال اللبنانيون حتى اليوم يعانون من بعض أحكام القضاء العسكري. حاولت «القوات» رفعَ الصوت من خلال اقتراح قانون سعى إلى إلغاء المحاكم العسكرية ، قدّمته عام 2013 إلى مجلس النواب فلم يبصر النور، فعلّت الصوتَ مجدداً أمس من معراب خلال مؤتمر تحت عنوان «إشكالية القضاء العسكري وحقوق الإنسان»، شاركَ فيه نخبة من الاختصاصيين في لبنان ومن الخارج، ونخبة من السلك القضائي والسياسي والأمني والإعلامي. بدأ…

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Military Court

Viewed : 1415

Military Tribunal postpones espionage hearing

The permanent Military Tribunal Friday postponed the trial of four citizens accused of spying for Israel. Husband and wife Ramez al-Sayyed and Salam Shoukor, along with Hani Matar and Tannous al-Jalad, a Lebanese national who resides in Israel, all stand accused of communicating with Israeli agents and providing them with confidential information. The Military Tribunal adjourned the session until April 25. The information in question related to notable political, religious and security figures. The defendants are also charged with attempting to recruit more agents. The trial had previously been delayed because Matar claimed he was ill. The court subsequently appointed…

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Military Court

Viewed : 977

Military Court Seeks to Issue Final Verdict against Samaha to Thwart Case's Transfer

The Military Court of Cassation will likely issue its final verdict against former Information Minister Michel Samaha on Thursday to stop the case's transfer to the Judicial Council, informed sources said. Samaha appeared in court on January 21 and answered a series of questions on the transfer of explosives from Syria to Lebanon for the purpose of carrying out terrorist acts. It was his first appearance since his release on bail from prison under a controversial Military Court ruling that drew condemnation from several politicians. The ex-minister was arrested in August 2012 and charged with attempting to carry out "terrorist…

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Military Court

Viewed : 972

Military prosecutor rejects Samaha defense data objection

Military Prosecutor Saqr Saqr Monday rejected a complaint by Former Information Minister Michel Samaha’s defense team regarding the authenticity of telecommunications data and recordings related to the case. A judicial source told The Daily Star that Saqr’s decision indicated that his dismissal of the complaint was on the grounds that it lacked any criminal elements. Head of the Military Cassation Court Judge Toni Lattouf had earlier referred the request filed by the defense judges to Saqr. The recordings depict conversations between Samaha and police informant Milad Kfoury. Footage also shows Samaha ordering Kfoury to carry out attacks against prominent Lebanese…

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