Mat Nashed

Non Palestinian refugees and Migrants

Viewed : 773

Migrant Community Center opens in Sidon

In an ambience of solidarity, dozens of people gathered to commence the opening of the Migrant Community Center’s branch in Sidon. Several attended from Beirut while others made their way from villages south of the city. The day was a celebration of a community that has supported each other against all odds. “We have doubled our membership at the MCC with over 265 people,” Gemma, a Filipino activist with the MCC, told The Daily Star at the opening Sunday. “Migrant workers need a place that they can really call home. They want a place that is really their own.” Migrant…

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Mat Nashed

Non Palestinian refugees and Migrants

Viewed : 664

Bangladeshis celebrate their mother tongue

Scores of Bangladeshis gathered at their embassy in Beirut Sunday to celebrate International Mother Language Day, an occasion inspired by their people’s popular struggle to safeguard their language in 1952. “On Feb. 21, we saved our language,” the Bangladeshi Ambassador Abdul Moaleb Sarkr told The Daily Star. “At the time the government only chose to recognize Urdu as the national language. We wanted to contest this because our people wanted Bangla to be recognized too.” To pressure the government to do so, thousands of Bangla speaking students demonstrated in what was then the eastern part of Pakistan to demand their…

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Non Palestinian refugees and Migrants

Viewed : 476

بالارقام: العلاقة بين الشعب اللبناني والعاملة الاجنبية

تظهر الكثير من الأرقام نسبة "انفصام " الشعب اللبناني نحو العلاقة مع العاملات الاجنبيات في المنازل حيث تظهر احدى الدراسات ان %51 من الشعب اللبناني يعتبر ان العاملة المنزلية لا يوثق بها، مع انها تهتم بأطفالهم... 41 % من اللبنانيين يعتبرون ان العاملة المنزلية لديها مشاكل نفسية، مع انها تهتم بأهلهم... 36% من اللبنانيين يعتبرون ان العاملة "غبية" مع انها تستلم تدبير امور المنزل، فيما 27 % يعتبرون ان العاملة غير نظيفة، بالرغم من انها تقوم بالطبخ وتنظيف المنزل... تلك الارقام تنعكس سلباً وممارسات غير انسانية على عاملات جّل ذنبهن انهن يبحثن عن لقمة عيشهن في "المكان الغلط". عشرات حالات…

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Louay Faour

Non Palestinian refugees and Migrants

Viewed : 602

Lebanon criticizes countries that ban maids over mistreatment

Labor Minister Sejaan Azzi Wednesday rejected the notion that all foreign housemaids in Lebanon are poorly treated, criticizing countries that have banned their women from working in Lebanon and accusing embassy workers of human trafficking. “I asked to meet with ambassadors of countries who send their citizens to work in Lebanon, but I have still not received replies from some them,” Azzi said during a televised press conference. The minister said that some women are finding illegal ways to enter Lebanon after some countries, including the Philippines and Ethiopia, banned their citizens from traveling to Lebanon over poor working conditions…

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Ghinwa Obeid

Non Palestinian refugees and Migrants

Viewed : 579

Migrant worker woes in region take back seat to Europe crisis

International attention toward the refugee crisis and illegal migration to Europe has overshadowed another persistent issue in the region: human trafficking and the exploitation of migrant workers. A policy research report titled “The Other Migrant Crisis, Protecting Migrant Workers against Exploitation in the Middle East and North Africa” launched in Beirut Friday sought to turn some of that attention back to migrant workers. Among the challenges facing the Middle East, according to the report, was the need to support over 4 million Syrian refugees, in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. This was in addition to Iraqi refugees who had…

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Nazih Osseiran

Non Palestinian refugees and Migrants

Viewed : 532

Woman beaten to death by maid in front of infant

An infant reportedly witnessed her mother being beaten to death by a maid at their house Thursday in the Metn region of Ain Najm. “I murdered your wife ... call the police and come home,” Jenu Len Rinaldo Jorcque allegedly told the victim’s husband, Aziz Elias Farhat, shortly after committing the crime. Farhat had just left his home in order to drop his daughter off at school. His wife Nathalie Michel Solbane was at home preparing herself for work. She asked Jorcque to fetch her work attire. When Jorcque was late performing the appointed task, Solbane was furious, and hurled…

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Non Palestinian refugees and Migrants

Viewed : 620

EU announces largest refugee aid package to date

BEIRUT: The European Union announced Tuesday its largest Syrian refugee response package to date worth 350 million euros to help up to 1.5 million refugees across host countries, including Lebanon. The package of programs will be implemented in coming months to help refugees in Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan and Iraq through the provision of basic education, child protection and better access to health care, improved waste-water infrastructure and community support, the EU said. “Today’s decision is concrete evidence of EU solidarity with Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, those countries hosting the largest number of Syrian refugees who flee violence and persecutions. The war…

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Non Palestinian refugees and Migrants

Viewed : 540

Housemaid kills Lebanese employer with dumbbell

Police arrested a Filipina domestic worker Thursday after she beat her 37-year-old boss to death with a dumbbell, a security source said. The source told The Daily Star that the maid had first hit her employer, Nathalie Michel Selban, with a flower vase during the domestic squabble in the Metn town of Ain Saadeh, before turning to a dumbbell as her weapon of choice. The assailant reportedly telephoned Selban’s husband, Aziz Elias Farhat, to tell him that she had killed his wife. The father had just left the house to drop off their five-year-old daughter to school. The maid left…

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Non Palestinian refugees and Migrants

Viewed : 354

Travailleurs migrants : l’inaction « déshonore » Doha, accuse Amnesty

En dépit des pressions, le Qatar n'a « presque rien » fait pour mettre un terme aux abus liés aux conditions de travail de milliers de migrants cinq ans après s'être vu confier l'organisation de la Coupe du monde de football en 2022, a affirmé hier Amnesty International. L'absence de véritables réformes « déshonore » le Qatar et la Fifa, a ajouté Amnesty dans une déclaration publiée pour coïncider avec le cinquième anniversaire de l'attribution du Mondial à l'émirat gazier du Golfe, le 2 décembre 2010. « En dépit de la divulgation massive des conditions épouvantables auxquelles font face la plupart des ouvriers de construction,…

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