The Lebanese Center for Human Rights


Viewed : 1182

Reccomendations to the National Committee for the Management of the COVID-19 Vaccine Plan

Reccomendations to the National Committee for the Management of the COVID-19 Vaccine Plan Beirut 17/02/2021 Head of the National Committee for the Management of the COVID-19 Vaccine Plan, Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Bizri,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Topic: Developing an implementation plan to ensure that all residents of Lebanon have access to COVID-19 vaccine fairly. The Lebanese Center for Human Rights is a Lebanese non-profit non-partisan organization. Based on our advocacy role in defending Human Rights, we hereby present to you some suggestions regarding overall access to the Covid-19 vaccine without any discrimination, which falls under the right to health and the rights of…

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Viewed : 1216

Will new landfills create a crisis for locals’ health

BEIRUT: Lebanon’s trash crisis was believed to have come to an end after the government approved a plan to establish two sanitary landfills, but there are increasing concerns about the health effects this scheme would have on people living around the designated sites. Even with the Costa Brava landfill south of Beirut just in the works, nearby residents are complaining of the effect of the piled garbage on their health. From now until the site is ready to receive trash, bailed garbage is being gathered in an adjacent parking space. A fisherman in Ouzai who fishes off the shores of…

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Viewed : 873

وزارة الصحة طلبت اجراء تحقيق مع المستشفيات في قضية الطفلة ريتا عاكوم

أوضحت وزارة الصحة العامة في بيان، أنه "متابعة لقضية الطفلة ريتا عاكوم التي أثار بعض وسائل الإعلام موضوع عدم استقبال ثلاثة مستشفيات لها، أوعز الوزير وائل أبو فاعور إلى الأجهزة المعنية في الوزارة إجراء تحقيق عاجل وسريع لتحديد المسؤوليات في ما حصل مع الطفلة، لإتخاذ ما يلزم بناء على ذلك، محذّراً كل المستشفيات من دون استثناء من التهاون في صحة أي مريض أو في كرامة المواطن، تحت طائلة إجراءات عقابية في حق أي جهة مخالفة أو مقصّرة. وقد تم الاتصال بالمعنيين في المستشفيات الثلاثة، وبوالدة الطفلة، والطلب اليهم الحضور الى الوزارة اليوم الإثنين، للاستماع منهم الى تفاصيل القضية ومتابعة ما…

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Viewed : 924

بأي حق تمنع المستشفيات حق الاستشفاء؟

 لالاستشفاء حق لكل مواطن، فكيف إذا كان هذا المواطن معوقاً (أرشيف ــ مروان طحطح) فاتن الحاج حق الإنسان في الاستشفاء يهمل لدرجة تركه يموت أمام أبواب المستشفيات. هذا ليس واقعاً مستجداً، بل يحصل منذ سنوات، وهو حتماً ليس له علاقة باللاجئين السوريين، الذين تتذرع بهم الحكومة وإدارات المستشفيات أخيراً لتعلل عدم استقبالها مرضى الطوارئ وتقديم الاستشفاء لهم، تحت حجة «الضغط الذي تحدثه الأعداد الكبيرة لهؤلاء، ما يؤدي إلى عدم وجود أسرّة كافية». إنّه سلوك دأبت عليه المستشفيات بسبب المافيات التي تتحكم في القطاع الصحي عموما. اللائحة تطول بالنسبة إلى الأطفال الذين توفوا لعدم إسعافهم بسبب عدم تمكن ذويهم من…

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Viewed : 855

Poor health prevents Abdullah Azzam Brigades suspect interrogation

BEIRUT - The interrogation of a detained Abdullah Azzam Brigades commander was postponed Monday due to the suspect’s ill health, the National News Agency reported.   Investigative Judge Imad al-Zein postponed the interrogation session until Wednesday as the suspect, Jamal Dafterdar, was physically unable to attend the session due to poor health.   Dafterdar was indicted last week, along with twelve other people, for belonging to the Al-Qaeda linked group.   A military court judge accused Jamal Dafterdar and the others of planning to conduct terror acts, recruiting, training and transferring people out of the country, and forging official papers…

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Viewed : 964

Ministry launches CD on reproductive health

BEIRUT: The Education Ministry Monday launched a CD about reproductive health. The event to launch the educational CD was held at the Education Ministry at UNESCO Palace in Beirut, with the head of the Department of Educational Sciences at Saint Joseph University Fadi al-Hajj and the head of UNFPA programs in Lebanon Asmaa Kordahi in attendance. The program, entitled “Expanding Reproductive Health Information and Services for Young People – Operationalizing Youth Friendly Services” helps ministries and civil society organizations to design and establish youth-friendly health facilities and disseminate information about reproduction. The General Director of the Education Ministry Fadi Yaraq…

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Viewed : 477

Experts say ‘resilient Lebanese’ have good overall mental health

By Elise Knutsen BEIRUT: Despite surviving a protracted civil war, continued regional volatility and perennial political instability, studies have shown that the Lebanese people exhibit average incidences of mental health disorders. “We are not sick people,” Dr. Elie Karam, head of clinical psychiatry at St. Georges Hospital University Medical Center, proclaimed at a conference Saturday. “We have less mental health disorders than most Western countries. We have much less than the U.S.” According to a large, nationally representative study conducted by Karam and his colleagues in association with Harvard University and the WHO, approximately 17 percent of the Lebanese population…

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