The Lebanese Center for Human Rights


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Another Human Rights Violation at Caritas Lebanon Shelter

After human rights violations were reported by 13 migrant workers in July 2020, S.M., a migrant worker residing in Lebanon, reached out to the Lebanese Center for Human Rights (CLDH) in September 2020, claiming that her rights had been violated during her stay in one of Caritas’ shelters. CLDH reached out to Caritas in order to confirm if S.M. was working in the shelter, after she reported unpaid salary, verbal abuse, inconvenient sleeping conditions, and movement restrictions.  First, CLDH requested clarification and a transparent investigation on her case. Afterwards, a meeting was held with several members of Caritas staff, including…

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The Lebanese Center for Human Rights


Viewed : 1422

Call for Action to Protect Migrant Workers: 13 Workers Report Their Rights Violated at Caritas

13 Ethiopian women left a shelter run by Caritas on June 22, 2020, reporting some concerning violations of their rights during their stay.  Most of the women had been abandoned by their employers at the Ethiopian consulate and were referred to Caritas by the Ministry of Labor which publicly claimed that it would investigate their cases and prosecute the employers who committed violations.    After leaving Caritas Lebanon shelter, the Anti-Racism Movement (ARM) and the Lebanese Center for Human Rights (CLDH) interviewed the workers who reported that they had been confined since June 5 with no explanation or information on…

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Building and Wood Workers International (BWI) Asia Pacific Civil Society Action Committee (AC) Equ


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A Large Civil Society and Global Trade Unions Coalition Launch a Call for Urgent Justice Mechanism

On June the 1st, 2020, a large coalition of civil society organizations and global trade unions launched a call for an urgent justice mechanism for repatriated migrant workers as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Globally, the International Labor Organization (ILO) estimates 195 million jobs will be wiped out as a result of the pandemic. In the Middle East region alone, an estimated 5 million jobs will be lost, many of those jobs are held by migrant workers. Since the start of the pandemic, more than 200,000 migrant workers have been repatriated to Asia from different parts of the world.…

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Non Palestinian refugees and Migrants

Viewed : 833

Ethiopian worker commits suicide in south Lebanon

An Ethiopian domestic worker threw herself off the balcony of her employment agency Thursday. Lebanese Red Cross workers collected her body and security forces opened an investigation to determine the cause of the woman’s suicide, a security source told The Daily Star. In 2007, a Human Rights Watch report estimated domestic workers in Lebanon – who commonly face abuse and exploitation – were dying at a rate of more than one per week. Earlier this month, another Ethiopian domestic worker was found dead, hanging from a tree branch in the south Lebanon town of Blida. Source & Link: The Daily…

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Anne-Marie El-Hage

Non Palestinian refugees and Migrants

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Quelle alternative au système du garant au Liban ?

Chandra*, une employée de maison sri-lankaise, venue au Liban pour améliorer les conditions de vie des siens, a été expulsée il y a quelques mois, après un an passé au service d'une famille libanaise. Privée de nourriture par ses employeurs chez qui elle logeait, elle a refusé de renouveler son contrat pour une année de plus, comme prévu. « Mes patrons me disaient d'acheter à manger avec mon salaire. Ils me donnaient juste du pain et de l'eau. À la fin du mois, il ne me restait plus rien à envoyer à ma famille », confie-t-elle. Cette mère de famille…

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Non Palestinian refugees and Migrants

Viewed : 905

Lebanon deporting migrant workers with kids

After a lull throughout most of 2015 and 2016, General Security has resumed deporting foreign domestic workers who have had children in Lebanon, Human Rights Watch reported Tuesday. Since last summer, Lebanese authorities have reportedly detained at least 21 migrant domestic workers with children, claiming that the workers had given birth in the country, were not living with their employers or both. “We have been receiving a lot of cases like this recently,” Roula Hamati, a researcher at the migrant rights advocacy group Insan Association told The Daily Star. According to a Human Rights Watch statement, none of the detained…

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Non Palestinian refugees and Migrants

Viewed : 15

Lebanon deporting migrant workers with kids

21 عاملة منزلية مُهاجرة، على الأقل، رحَّلهنَّ الأمن العام اللبناني منذ صيف 2016، وفق ما كشفه تقرير صدر أمس عن «هيومن رايتس ووتش». يُشير التقرير إلى عمليات اعتقال وترحيل تتعرّض لها العاملات المهاجرات بسبب إنجابهن أطفالاً في لبنان، مُسلِّطاً الضوء على انتهاك حق الحياة الأسرية للعاملات. ويُصوّب التقرير على القرار الإداري المُتخّذ من قبل الأمن العام اللبناني، والمتعلّق بمنع العاملات من الإنجاب في لبنان عبر الامتناع عن تجديد إقامتهن الطويلة الأمد وإقامة أبنائهن. تنقل المُنظّمة في هذا الصدد عن مؤسسة «إنسان»، أن السلطات اللبنانية رحّلت على الأقل 21 عاملة لديهن أطفال منذ صيف 2016. أما ذريعة السلطات اللبنانية، فهي أن…

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Non Palestinian refugees and Migrants

Viewed : 977

العاملة الأجنبية في المنزل نعمة أم نقمة

هل باتت العاملة الأجنبية في المنزل نعمة أم نقمة؟ سؤال لا بد من طرحه ولا سيما إثر ما تعانيه مؤخراً ربّات المنزل من معاناة بل مأساة معهن، طبعاً نحن لا يمكننا أن نعمّم ونقول بأن كافة العاملات الأجنبيات بتن متمرسّات في الإحتيال وتمثيل دور المحبّات لأهل المنزل لدرجة أنهن بتن أشبه بـ «القنبلة الموقوتة»، لأن في الحقيقة هناك من جاءت وبقيت لسنوات في منزل صاحب العمل ومنهن من تخطّت الـ 20 سنة لكن في المقابل وبالرغم مما تطلقه بعض العاملات الأجنبيات من سوء معاملة من قبل أصحاب العمل هناك أيضا مأساة تتجسّد يوميا بحق ربات المنزل اللواتي بتن تعانين الأمرّين…

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Non Palestinian refugees and Migrants

Viewed : 552

Insan dénonce les atteintes aux libertés de mouvement des employées de maison migrantes

« La SG refuse de renouveler les permis de séjour des travailleuses domestiques qui ne vivent pas chez leur employeur », déplore l'association de défense des droits de l'homme.   « Trapped » (piégée). C'est sous ce nom qu'a été publiée hier la nouvelle étude réalisée par l'association Insan sur les employées de maison migrantes au Liban. Une étude qui dénonce les violations des libertés de mouvement et de choix du lieu de résidence de quelque 250 000 travailleuses domestiques étrangères. Une détérioration graduelle Si les employeurs sont encore et toujours montrés du doigt, car ils répriment de différentes manières…

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